
This project is a simple Library Management System. This project consists of 2 different modules. The first module is the login module which should have two type of accessing modes, administrator, and user. Library management system is managed by an administrator. The administrator can insert update and monitor the whole process. When a user log in to the system, he/she would only view details of all the books present in the library and the books issued by the user. The Admin Menu should be designed to show details of users, books, issued books, add books, return books, add user, and create or reset the database. 

Primary LanguageJava


This project is a simple Library Management System. This project consists of 2 different modules. The first module is the login module which should have two type of accessing modes, administrator, and user. Library management system is managed by an administrator. The administrator can insert update and monitor the whole process. When a user log in to the system, he/she would only view details of all the books present in the library and the books issued by the user. The Admin Menu should be designed to show details of users, books, issued books, add books, return books, add user, and create or reset the database. 




