
is it possible to build an .exe on MAC?

Closed this issue · 13 comments

i've got an error:

captura de tela 2014-05-19 as 16 14 40

It seems you cant : "copy" is a command for the window shell.
I guess builds are kind of platform specific (which makes sense).

if you want to build for windows on mac you can change the gruntfile.js at the line 189 approximately
copy /b tmp\nw.exe+tmp\app.nw tmp<%= appName %>.exe && del tmp\app.nw tmp\nw.exe
cat tmp/nw.exe tmp/app.nw >> tmp/test.exe && rm tmp/app.nw && rm tmp/nw.exe


Hi @run1t ,
did you tested your change? If this works, we can improve the build process. Getting the current build environment and decide whether to use Windows or Unix commands.

Yes I tested my change and i want to make fork and propose a pull request to build for all platforms from mac

sorry for my english i'm french

sorry for my english i'm french

No worries I'm german. Should be ok as long as we know what we want.

Yes I test my change and i want to make fork and propose a pull request to build for all platforms from mac

That is great. I appreciate it.
Thank you

Nice, i'm working on it i keep you abreast !
I foresee to make the same on windows.

it worked fine, i got an zip file instead of .exe, but if i extract it, the .exe is there...
captura de tela 2014-05-19 as 18 44 22

here's what i changed:
captura de tela 2014-05-19 as 18 46 36

thank you very much

If you extract the teste2.zip on windows and launch the test.exe, it should work

and it does, as i said, the .exe is there..

sorry , but i don't understand what you want

hehehe, nothing, i was just reporting.. it worked =)

ok nice :)

fixed with commit a121cf8