
CCL comparison Neff=0

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In the nb dealing with CCL comparison, here is the code that defines the CCL Cosmology

cosmo_ccl = ccl.Cosmology(
    Omega_c=0.3, Omega_b=0.05, h=0.7, sigma8 = 0.8, n_s=0.96, **Neff=0**,
    transfer_function='eisenstein_hu', matter_power_spectrum='halofit')

Even if in the context of this nb, Neff=0 does not matter, it leads to nasty results in others.
In fact, do not add this parameter and everything is in order.

cosmo_ccl = ccl.Cosmology(
   Omega_c=0.3, Omega_b=0.05, h=0.7, sigma8 = 0.8, n_s=0.96, 
   transfer_function='eisenstein_hu', matter_power_spectrum='halofit')