Shift-Powermap/Shift-Cls : differences in final angular power spectrum
Closed this issue · 2 comments
This issue aims to discuss the possible reasons why the theoretical angular power spectrum does not match the one computed from the log-normal simulated maps when we sample from correlated maps.
After conducting several tests, I start to think that this is not related to how we are sampling from correlated maps, but rather to how we are generating the log-normal power spectrum in this new implementation.
To illustrate this, I have computed the power spectrum for a single redshift bin (the 5th in the following plot) using two different procedures.
In the first case, I generated the power map from the theoretical angular power spectrum first and then shifted the map (map 1). In the second case (map 2), I first shifted the angular power spectrum and then generated the power map.
Below are a few lines of code that can help to understand the differences.
def make_power_map(pk_fn, N, map_size, zero_freq_val=0.0, model_type=None ):
k = 2 * jnp.pi * jnp.fft.fftfreq(N, d=map_size / N)
kcoords = jnp.meshgrid(k, k)
k = jnp.sqrt(kcoords[0]**2 + kcoords[1]**2)
ps_map = pk_fn(k)
ps_map =[0, 0].set(zero_freq_val)
if model_type=='no_correlation':
power_map = ps_map * (N / map_size)**2
power_map = ps_map * (N / map_size)
return power_map
def make_lognormal_power_map(power_map, shift, zero_freq_val=0.0):
power_spectrum_for_lognorm = jnp.fft.ifft2(power_map).real
power_spectrum_for_lognorm = jnp.log(1 +
power_spectrum_for_lognorm / shift**2)
power_spectrum_for_lognorm = jnp.abs(
power_spectrum_for_lognorm =[0, 0].set(0.)
return power_spectrum_for_lognorm
def make_lognormal_cl(cl,shift):
xsi = jnp.fft.ifft(cl)
xsi_shift = jnp.log(1 + xsi/(shift)**2)
cl_shifted = jnp.fft.fft(xsi_shift).real
return cl_shifted
pix_area = (map_size * 60 / N)**2 # arcmin2
map_size = map_size / 180 * jnp.pi # radians
omega_c = 0.3
sigma_8 =0.8
cosmo = jc.Planck15(Omega_c=omega_c, sigma8=sigma_8)
ell_tab = 2 * jnp.pi * abs(jnp.fft.fftfreq(N, d=map_size / N))
tracer = jc.probes.WeakLensing([nz_shear[-1]])
shift = shift_fn(cosmo.Omega_m, sigma_8)
cell_tab = jc.angular_cl.angular_cl(cosmo, ell_tab, [tracer])[0]
P_1 = lambda k: jc.scipy.interpolate.interp(k.flatten(), ell_tab, cell_tab).reshape(k.shape)
power_map_1 = make_power_map(P_1, N, map_size, model_type='no_correlation')
power_map_1 = make_lognormal_power_map(power_map_1, shift)
P_2 = lambda k: jc.scipy.interpolate.interp(k.flatten(), ell_tab, cell_tab_shifted).reshape(k.shape)
power_map_2 = make_power_map(P_2, N, map_size, model_type='no_correlation')
field_1 = jnp.fft.ifft2(jnp.fft.fft2(z) * jnp.sqrt(power_map_1)).real
field_1 = shift * (jnp.exp(field_1 - jnp.var(field_1) / 2) - 1)
field_2 = jnp.fft.ifft2(jnp.fft.fft2(z) * jnp.sqrt(power_map_2)).real
field_2 = shift * (jnp.exp(field_2 - jnp.var(field_2) / 2) - 1)
Below are the results computed from the two maps, averaged over 20 realizations:
If you remember @EiffL, when we compared the two power maps from the two methods, we noted some differences. I am starting to think that these differences are the ones causing the bias in the results.
Thanks Denise, but I'm not sure I agree. What I remember is that we obtained identical power maps, as it should be, in the case of bin 1, no?
this is solved now