
Network type may not be being verified in methods

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Dear Developer!

My name is Alejandro Mazuera-Rozo, I am a PhD Student at Universidad de los Andes, and at Università della Svizzera italiana. I am part of a research on the usage of network libraries within android apps. As a result of this we identified that there is a missing validation of network type within a method since some network operations are being performed in it. As you might know, a device can have various types of network connections. For the full list of possible network types, see Therefore it is recommended for the app to identify the type of network available before performing a network operation.

Note: Wi-Fi is typically faster. Also, mobile data is often metered, which can get expensive. A common strategy for apps is to only fetch large data if a Wi-Fi network is available.

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Potential Code Location without Network type validation

private boolean downloadCourseFile(String fileUrl, String shortname, Double versionID){

protected HashMap<String, String> doInBackground(Void... params) {

protected EntityResult<User> doInBackground(User... params) {

private boolean sendTrackers(User user, String dataToSend, boolean isRaw, BasicResult result){