
Feature to search / offer places to stay per Country

Opened this issue · 5 comments

(Poland, Germany, ...)

Hi @acypert,

Thanks for jumping on board :)

Good idea to create the core concepts as issues as well, so we see the progress.
Did you already give it a spin? When you run ./ it should already come up locally.

For Azure it seems we need to change something in the server.ts component, my Azure instance is spinning up but it fails to answer requests. Locally it works, I'll have to look at that.

Kind regards,

Of course, happy to help :)

I did run it locally, but I get "Authentication failed" when I try to log in. I was able to go onto the prod site and login, however.

I fetched the latest and I'm able to login on local now 👍

Hi @acypert,

that's great news :)

There's still quite some work before people will be able to use it I guess.

My agenda for now:

  • Implement peoplesecret. When people save how they can be contacted when the question is answered correctly, I want to encrypt the contact information with the answer to the question and save IV, Salt and Secret to a peoplesecret record. There will be an extra route for resolving contact information where you just pass the people id and the secret that you think is correct. If it is correct, the information will be decrypted and sent to the client. Otherwise we will start incrementing timeouts so that users can not brute force the contact information. As we don't return the secret, they can't brute force it on their own either.
  • Many routes still return 200 - OK with a success:false object if they failed. I want to move to the correct http status codes instead.
  • You're able to call /portalManagement when logged in as non-admin. It does not show data as the routes are properly protected, but it's annoying.
  • The peopleFinder list is not filterable (and quite ugly)
  • Remove firstname and lastname from the user profile. The less information we store the better

@DigitalFlow excellent. I created issues for the points you listed. Also happy to see you made it to the Discord server 😃 I hope that will make informal communication easier.