
Dumb question but is there a place where I can find the controls?

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I'm confused how to edit a circuit, does anyone know how?

AOx0 commented

Hi, to edit an existing custom chip you have to:

  1. Right click its name in the chip bar
  2. Select the view option.
    • Now you should view the chips as it was when you saved it
  3. Make your modifications.
    • Drag anything you need, add inputs, outputs, etc.
  4. To save the modifications select the Chip > Update option at the top bar.
    • Or if you want to discard the modifications, click exit at the top left.
    • When editing (viewing) a chip, the exit options acts as the cancel button rather than exit to the main menu
    • In normal mode the exit button takes you to the home screen

Hope this is of help, and so sorry for the late response!