
Enhancement - View existing chip internals

SourSpoon opened this issue · 3 comments

The ability to view existing chip internals would be very useful.

Even if this is limited to chips that you have built yourself.


AOx0 commented

Hi @SourSpoon, you can already view chip internals (only for those built by yourself).

To do it you have to right click on it and select view, here is an example:

Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 3 03 39 p m

Now I can see what does makeup chip SD2

Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 3 03 43 p m

From here it's possible to modify this already saved chip and update it with the option Chip > Update

Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 3 06 01 p m

Or, to discard any modifications and stop viewing internals you can just select Exit

Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 3 03 48 p m

AOx0 commented

Let me know if this is indeed the answer you were looking for.


This was the answer I was looking for. My Appologies.