
issue with LoudnessEqualizer.json

atomGit opened this issue · 3 comments

easyeffects 6.2.6-1 (official repo)
pipewire 1:0.3.52-2 (official repo)
wireplumber 0.4.10-3 (official repo)

a few weeks ago after an update something changed with the sound system - i'm seeing 2 problems:

  1. regardless of the source or decoder there is often a delay of a few seconds when playing a video (web, local), music, system sounds, etc. - sometimes there is no sound at all from the source and instead there is a buzz in the right channel - this has nothing to do with easyeffects but i thought i'd mention it

  2. while the LoudnessEqualizer.json preset seems to work (bypassing some of the effects produces a noticeable difference), it also seems to be less effective than it was before (all defaults) - given my lack of knowledge and the complexity of 5 effects used to create the preset, i don't know what to adjust or how the effects interact with each other

This seems an issue related to EasyEffects and Pipewire, not the preset itself. Try to open an issue on EasyEffects repository and provide some logs as reported here.

You could try also to install easyeffects-git from AUR to see if the issue is reproducible, but take in consideration that the Gate is changed and a new preset is needed (I updated it in the repository).

there's enough issues on the Easy and Pipewire repo's that i don't think i want to add another :)

also it's been my experience that such issues tend to straighten themselves out with future updates ... which also often cause more issues - welcome to Arch-based distro's :)

that said, i'd still like to learn more about LoudnessEqualizer.json, primarily how to properly adjust the upper and lower gain limits (compression factor, if that's the correct wording)

i'm also very curious about the various parts and how they work together - for example, why a gate and a limiter? why 2 compressors? why an EQ?

Don't care about the number of issues on EE repo, if you have one, report it. I've seen repos with more issues than EE.

In the README it's specified everything. The gate is for trying to reduce the noise which could be amplified by the upward compressor. The equalizer is for trying to improve the quality of the sound. I explained everything in the main repo page. Please, read it.

For compression factors as you say, try to use different values for the ratio in compressor and multiband compressor.