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Basic boilerplate for Next.js projects using Typescript, Tailwind; to be added: testing features from Jest & React Testing Library & Commit Linting with Lint-Staged & Huksy


=> Jest
=> React Testing Library
=> Husky
=> Lint-Staged
=> @ = ./src
=> @/c = ./src/components
=> @/h = ./src/hooks
=> @/l = ./src/lib
=> @/u = ./src/lib/util
=> # = ./

    Project State

This biolerplate project is setup for Next.js 14.1.x [This project will be maintained to remain current with Next.js 14.1 until otherwise noted.] This is ready to use in its current state
This project will be set up with Jest and React Testing Library for code testing, it has been configured to work with Typescript. Custom imports have been set up. Eslint settings are preconfigured using a moderately strict ruleset. Uses ESLint to parse to Typescript. Sets specific rules for for testing envrioment (files within the tests directory or files with names ending in .spec.js, .test.js, .ts, .jsx, or .tsx). Configured Import Resolver to handle custom import settings. Uses Lint-Staged & Husky to Lint & format with prettier all files before commiting updates.

🚀 Tailwind CSS Extensions

🌈 Neon Shadows
🌀 Slower Spin Animation
🙈 Scrollbar Hide

    How to use

Install Node Modules

npm install

Run Application

npm run dev

The app will start on http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


Delop to your testing enviroment on vercel


Deploy to your production enviroment on vercel

vercel --prod

Formatting and Checks

Run ESLint

npm run lint

Prettier Code Check

prettier --check.

Prettier Code Format

prettier --write.