MyApi NodeJS With TypeOrm and Mysql
⚡️ Launch your api instantly watching changes with live-reload
😎 OpenAPI with Swagger to describe your RESTful APIs
🔑 Security using JWT authentication strategy with Passport and other techniques to increase the security of your applications
👥 Made for Users. Easily validate permissions for specific routes using Guards with a Role-based access control
Don't repeat yourself, Single responsibility principle.
🔄 Migrations using TypeORM to apply incremental updates to the database

Installation 📚

# install dependencies
$ yarn
$ npm install

Running the app ▶

# development
$ yarn start
# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev
# production mode
$ yarn start:prod

Running migrations ▶

# run migration
$ yarn typeorm migration:run
# create migration
$ yarn migration:create
# revert migration
$ yarn migration:revert

Test 🕵️

# unit tests
$ Nothing

Credits 👍

Supporting 🍻

I believe in Unicorns 🦄 Support me, if you do too.

Happy coding 💯

Made with ❤️
