Dilshana1's Stars
Used Python to create a Deep Learning Network that predicts ones risk of heart disease. Then a website was built that allowed a user to enter data into the model to make a prediction. Runs on a Python Flask server.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool can effectively identify and distinguish between two life-threatening heart conditions that are often easy to miss: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and cardiac amyloidosis. Machine learning (ML)—the use of computer algorithms that can learn complex patterns from data. The correct prediction of heart disease can prevent life threats. Expected results can increase very much in deep learning when compare to machine learning as well.
php and mysql project
A simple project demonstrating eVoting system using php allows users to register as voter/admin with a unique username. During login based on their role will be redirected to admin/voter panel. Admins can create elections with an access key, add candidates, delete elections and can view results. Admins can specify start and end date of elections.
Simple evoting system using php.
Online Voting System Web App using Technology Stack: HTML CSS JSS PHP SQL
Online Voting System using PHP and Mysql with AdminLTE Theme
“ ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM ” is an online voting technique. In this system, authorized voters can give his\her vote online without going to any physical polling station. A database is maintained in which all the names of voters with complete information are stored.
A Interactive Way To Solve Conventional Voting via E-Voting. Made this mini - project in Semester 3
Human resource managment system is simple mini project built using PHP
A collection of simple python mini projects to enhance your python skills