Checkout branding logo backlinks
mntzrr opened this issue · 1 comments
We want the branding logos to link to Dintero.
Technical Requirements
We will determine the language of the website and use the correct language for English, Norwegian and Swedish.
As recommended by our marketing consultants, each language will have 3 variants of the text.
Each version of the backlink text will be static per merchant. E.g each merchant will be given a random variation of the backlink in the correct language, but will be static (Once variation is assigned, it will not change)
<a href="" target="_blank" title="KEYWORD-VARIANT">
<img loading="lazy" src="" alt="KEYWORD-VARIANT"> class="img_ev3q”>
Backlink Variants
1: Dintero logo - Dintero checkout delivers simple online payment solutions
2: Dintero logo - Dintero payment methods for woocommerce
3: Dintero logo - Simple payment solutions for woocommerce payment gateway
4: Dinero logo - Split Payments for platforms and marketplaces
1: Dintero logo - en enkel betalingsløsning på nett
2: Dintero logo - checkout med vipps, visa, mastercard, walley og mobilePay
3: Dintero logo - checkout for woocommerce
4: Dintero logo - Split Payments for plattform og markedsplass
1: Dintero logo - checkout med swish, visa, mastercard, walley och mobilepay
2: Dintero logo - betalningslösning for woocommerce
3: Dintero logo - betalningslösning med swish, walley, visa, mastercard och mobilepay
4: Dintero logo - Split Payments för plattform och marknadsplats
Other languages
Default to english
My bad, wrong project.