
Line breaks in paragraphs are rendered with no space

FlippingBinary opened this issue · 1 comments

The website is rendering inter-paragraph line breaks from the .md files without any space between them.

For example, the URL https://dioxuslabs.com/learn/0.5/router/example does not render the spaces in you're building and small website, which is where the line breaks occur in the .md file:

In this guide, you'll learn to effectively use Dioxus Router whether you're
building a small todo app or the next FAANG company. We will create a small
website with a blog, homepage, and more!

Here is what it looks like in my browser (Vivaldi/Chromium-based):


You can see in the inspect view that the paragraph appears in three quoted regions as if they are three separate elements, which might explain why they are rendered without spaces between them.

GitHub's interface renders the same .md properly:


You can see in the inspect view that the paragraph is combined into one element.

Closing this as a duplicate of DioxusLabs/include_mdbook#3