
Removal of DictionaryTheme breaks my application

hamohn opened this issue · 6 comments

I create customized themes by loading a ResourceDictionary from an existing theme (by using theme.GetResourceUri()), and then replacing some key colors (typically the "Accent" colors). The updated ResourceDictionary is then used to instantiate a DictionaryTheme (or rather a subclass - ConcreteDictionaryTheme - that I wrote since DictionaryTheme is abstract)

I cannot find any workaround to customize certain theme colors using only the Theme class of v4.3!

Hi, you probably refer to this commit where I removed the DictionaryTheme because it looked unused to me.

The trouble is that AvalonDock is full with code left-overs from different versions (no comments or documentation on any class) and since this code looked to be unused I finally removed it... would you be able to give me a small sample app (based on 4.2) so I can see how you use the DictionaryTheme class and am able to document its usage for everyone interested...?

The sample projects in the repository also switch themes - please explain with the sample app why can you not use a similar approach? What makes the DictionaryTheme so much better for you over the normal ResourceDictionary approach?

Hi Hans, the attachement is not visible in the issue entry you authored above, probably, because you answered via Email but the display of your Email text does not get the attached sample app translated into a Github attachment :-( Can you please edit your last entry - or insert another one - and attach the sample app (just drag and drop a zip file at the end of the text)?

Thanks Dirk

Hi again! I have updated the previous post with an attached example application

I rolled back the removal of the DictionaryTheme class and added additional comments to make sure this stays and can be used by others interested in the same mechanism. Thank you for providing the sample app and patience with this issue. The resolution should be available in the next release sometime this week.

I consider this resolved with version 4.4. which is released now.