
Missing FRAMEINFO.md

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hmm I couldn't seems to find any FRAMEINFO.md file inside singe2 folder for each game. I reckon this is needed to check against the video file to make sure the frame number matches.

Turned out that only some folders don't have it, e.g. hayate.

If there isn't a FRAMEINFO.md just use the standard ffmpeg instructions. There are no real alternate videos for many of these games so it isn't necessary.

ffmpeg -i game.mp4 -an -qscale:v 4 -b:v 6000k -vf tpad=stop_mode=clone:stop_duration=2 -codec:v mpeg2video game.m2v

If you ever want clarification, pop onto Discord for confirmations from other users.

Hmm I couldn't seems to find any FRAMEINFO.md file inside singe2 folder for each game. I reckon this is needed to check against the video file to make sure the frame number matches.
to display the number of frames you can add this code in your addon.singe file or in your my game.singe file
bShowFrame = true
then when you play if you pause you will have the frame number displayed in large letters on the pause screen
but if you simply want to edit your movements with the frame number use the file in mp4 format directly with quicktime player (free) right click on the time displayed and select frame
or use adobe premiere (paid)