
Issues with last development commits

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello! I just download the last commit of dev and found some (little) issues (and one I don't know if it's an issue or a feature). I'm using the dark version.

Overlapping texts in spanish:
Settings -> Account -> Security State

(Administrar la protección de la c... instead "Administrar la protección de la cuenta")

Settings -> On the game -> Keycup for screenshot

(Carpeta de capturas de... instead "carpeta de capturas de pantalla").

Settings -> Retransmision

(Configuración Avanzad... instead "Configuación avanzada". (2 times)
Establecer codigo pin p... instead "Establecer codigo pin para steam link".)

Settings -> Music -> Database

"escaner carpetas (...)" not are showed very well.

Settings -> Preload ¿shadow?


(Precargar sombreador...) Has points but don't know what follows.

This is on the left panel of the settings, I mean:


And this was different in the last release of dark pressure, so I don't know it's a feature or an issue:


Last release of dark pressure:


So before was grey, and now it's white. It's on the detail view of games.

In any case thanks for fixing all bugs and update this awesome skin!!

Wow that was fast!

I've fixed all but one of the things you mentioned here. I can't fix the "Carpeta de capturas de..." because I just do not have the spare space on the side of that area to do it. The rest is fixed though.

The last bit about the white section - that's not a bug, I've done a lot of internal changes to get Dark and Light as one theme, there's just a new way to apply dark mode that I will explain when I do the announcement for Pressure 1.1 release (Basically, copy+paste all the stuff in the "+ DARK MODE" folder into the main folder, overwrite. Then enable the mode in the "theme.ini" file).

Perfect, thanks you!!

That was fast too! ;)

Ah, I thought the only thing was to change the setting on theme.ini. Well enough, thanks!