
Didn't find the document when I took the bash download_data.sh

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First, I am not really familiar with this domain. However,I wanted to use this project. In fact ,when I took the bash download_data.sh, shell told me there aren't any documents we needed. http://kyle-pic.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/img/tupian1.png
I am so sorry if I have ignored some importances. Could you tell me ? Thanks a lot.

Thanks for using our repo! It looks like you are using an older wget. 1.16+ is preferred. Or you can suppress the error by removing all --show-progress arguments in download_data.sh.

ok fine I solve it . Really fantastic. Thanks for you help.

aha ,thanks.Perhaps, there are some other troubles for me later = = I'm so sorry to trouble you.