
Simple and effective GIF viewer widget for GTKMM 3

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Simple and easy to use media viewing library for Gtkmm3

Installing the library


  • gtkmm 3.0

Installing dependencies


sudo apt-get install libgtkmm-3.0-dev

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S gtkmm3


sudo dnf install gtkmm30-devel

Compiling the library

git clone https://github.com/DisableGraphics/GifView.git
cd GifView
meson setup builddir
cd builddir
meson compile # You can change it for "ninja" if your meson doesn't have the compile command


  • ResImg: Automatically resizable static image widget. (It resizes automatically to fit the widget)
  • GifView: GIF viewer that can be automatically resized, or set a maximum width and height.


  • Since this library uses meson as its build system, you can use the subproject feature to import it into your project.
  • You'll need to create a folder named "subprojects" in your project's root directory, and place the "mediaview" folder inside it.

Importing into a project

  • Create a meson.build file and add this line to it:
mediaview_dep = dependency('mediaview', fallback: ['mediaview', 'mediaview_dep'])
  • If you dont' know how to create a meson.build file, take a look at this tutorial
  • Link the library to your executable:
executable('your_executable', 'your_executable.cpp', dependencies: mediaview_dep)
  • Include the header file in your code:
#include <mediaview/mediaview.hpp>

Using the library

  • This is an very basic example:
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <mediaview/mediaview.hpp>

int main()
    //Create application
    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Application> app = Gtk::Application::create();
    //Create the window
    Gtk::Window window;
    //Create the gifview
    mv::GifView gifview = mv::GifView("/path/to/your/gif/file.gif");

    //Start the GIF

    //Add the gifview widget to the window
    //Show the window
    return app->run(window);

Why MediaView?

  • MediaView is easy to use. Taking into account how convoluted Gtkmm can be for some things, this is an achievement.
  • MediaView was made with automatic resizing in mind. Gtkmm isn't and you have to implement it yourself.


  • Thread safety: Gtkmm is not thread safe. Since I'm using it as a base for my library, MediaView isn't thread safe too. I've found that ResImg in particular spits out exception messages instead of loading images when creating it inside a thread.