
Transparency flickers on and off randomly

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

The CSS transparency can flicker from on to off sometimes really quickly causing a major flash, which can trigger epileptic issues for certain users

This is also prominent in the translucent

RTX 3070, i7 10700k

To Reproduce

It is more predominant when tabbed in but there are no particular steps in order to reproduce


Infomation (please complete the following information)

Discord channel: Stable
OS: _Windows
Mod: Vencord
Discord language: English

Same issue,

3080TI, R7 5800x

Seems to occur more frequently when watching embedded YouTube videos. Everything flickers away just showing only the background

Can you confirm this happens with other themes?
It may just be electron just deciding to not work properly.

I was unable to replicate it with other themes. If I'm using another theme with no flickering and a youtube video playing and then swap to this theme it will start flashing