
Add reputation to users

OriolLlovera opened this issue · 2 comments

I add a reputation field on my fos_user table and I'm trying to implement this system on posts to vote users. I create a function on PostController that works fine if I check the database but the redirect didn't work.

`public function puntuacioAction(Request $request){

    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

    $idPoster = $request->request->get('id_posterUser');
    $positive= $request->request->get('positive');
    $negative= $request->request->get('negative');

    $user=  $em->getRepository(User::class)->findOneById($idPoster);

    $topic = $em->getRepository(Topic::class)->findOneByUser($user->getId());

    $puntuacio = $usuari->getReputatio();

    if ($positive!= null) {
        $puntuacio = $puntuacio + 1;
    if($negative!= null){
         $puntuacio = $puntuacio - 1;


   return $this->forward('DForumBundle:Post:post', array('slug' => $topic->getSlug()));


Can someone tell me how should be my return? I'm not sure how does annotations routes works so I did it on my own way.

I didn't translate the code sorry now its in english.
Solved if someone need the code :

public function ScoreAction(Request $request){`

    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

    $idTopic = $request->request->get('id_topic');       

    $idPoster = $request->request->get('id_poster');

    $positive= $request->request->get('positive');
    $negative= $request->request->get('negatiu');

    $user=  $em->getRepository(User::class)->findOneById($idPoster); 

    $topic = $em->getRepository(Topic::class)->findOneById($idTopic); 

    $score= $user->getReputation();

    if ($positive!= null) {
        $score= $score+ 1;
    if($negative!= null){
         $score= $score- 1;


    $redirect = $this->generateUrl('discutea_forum_post', array('slug' => $topic->getSlug())); 

    return $this->redirect($redirect);

Thank you sorry for the delay.