
This is a simple application to analyze Ruby code error aka Linter

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple application to analyze Ruby code styling error aka Linter


issues Licence pull request

About The Project

This is the Ruby-Capstone Project. Main goal for this project was to build My own Linter Using Ruby language. It is a simple application to analyze Ruby code behavior and checks if the coding style is good or bad if it's bad then it will show the errors.

Table of Content

Types of Inspections

I have used following types of inspections to analyze style error

  • File Names
  • Class Names
  • Method Names
  • Trailing Space
  • Space around the operators
  • Maximum line length
  • Maximum file length
  • leading empty line
  • trailing empty line
  • double space

Comparision of Good and Bad code

File Name

# bad File Name


# Good File Name


Class Name

# Bad Class Name

class class_name

# Good class Name

class ClassName

Method Name

# Bad Method Name

def MethodName| <-- Use only snake case

# Good Method Name

def method_name

Space Operator

# bad

# good
sum = 1 + 2

Trailing Space

# bad
def method_name |<-- Trailing space detected

# good
def method_name|

Extra empty line at the bottom of the file

# bad
class ClassName

 | <-- only one empty line require

# good
class ClassName

File too long

# bad
3   class ClassName
150 end | <-- should be less than 118 lines

# good 
3   class ClassName
90  end 

Line too long

# bad
3   puts 'This is line ~~~~~~~~~~~' | <-- total characters in line > 80 

# good

3 puts ' This is line ~~' | <-- Total characters in line < 80

Empty line at top of the class

# bad
1   | <-- Empty line not rquired

4   class ClassName
30  end

# good
1   require 'file_name'

3   class ClassName
30  end

Built With

  • Ruby

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

  • clone This repository by using the following command on your local PC:
git clone https://github.com/Div685/Ruby-Linter.git
  • After cloning navigate to the folder, you will need to install some of the required dependencies using the following command:
bundle install
  • To use the linter run the following command in the terminal
bin/main ./test_file/test_lint_file.rb

To test the code with rspec.

  • install rspec using gem install rspec
  • run rspec or rspec --format doc on your terminal to test the code .


👤 Divyesh Patel

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.


This project is MIT licensed.

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followed Ruby style guide and selected some of the inspection to analyze the linter file