
No header on mobile

Closed this issue · 6 comments

No header on mobile


No header on mobile
Below 1024px, there is no header available to browse etc

@kulczycki, @andrzejewsky before 0.7.2 we had a bug with media. Now everything should be ok on 1024px

but probably you talking on search, categories etc. we work on improve it to SFUI
Zrzut ekranu 2020-04-27 o 09 12 26

@kulczycki @andrzejewsky in Storefront UI we add $ and language selector but categories shout by on SfMegaMenu -> https://www.figma.com/file/N0Ct95cSAoODNv7zYS01ng/Storefront-UI-Design-System?node-id=3226%3A14554
here -> #369 (comment) you saw just alternative mobile categories, but I recomended SfMegaMenu

Marcin B will work on this today that relates to this issue. vuestorefront/storefront-ui#1139

@kulczycki at SfUI 0.7.10 you can find an example for Language Selector https://storybook.storefrontui.io/?path=/story/molecules-bottommodal--example-language-selector and implement it in aside slot (visible on mobile) https://storybook.storefrontui.io/?path=/story/molecules-bottommodal--example-language-selector
if you need search use sf-header--has-mobile-search. relates -> #367