
Adding the data-cy attributes to the element for testing.

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Add data-* attributes to provide context to following selectors and isolate them from CSS or JS changes.


  • footer links
  • header's categories
  • subcategories in the sidebar
    (and also sidebar div #category > div.main.section > div.sidebar.desktop-only > div > div)
  • each filter element
  • tabs in myAccount
  • language icons (.container > :nth-child(2) > .sf-image > img)
  • images from PDP (.product__gallery > .sf-image > img) and from the cart (each element)
  • options from dropdown list (.sf-select__options > :nth-child(4)')
  • counter from minicart icon (.sf-badge)
  • .sf-checkbox__input
  • .sf-circle-icon

  • Home Page
    (login modal):

  • '.sf-topbar__right > .sf-button'

  • '.action > .sf-button'

  • '#email'

  • '#password'

  • '.sf-input__error-message'

  • '.form > .sf-button--full-width'

  • '.sf-header__container'

  • '.sf-search-bar__input'

  • '[style="--max-width:56px;"] > a'

  • '.sf-top-bar__container'

  • '.sf-footer__container'

  • '.container > :nth-child(2) > .sf-image > img'

  • #footer

  • (registration modal):

  • '#email'

  • '#first-name'

  • '#last-name'

  • '#password'

  • '#create-account'

  • '.sf-input__error-message'

  • Navbar

  • '[aria-label="cart"]'

  • '[style="--max-width:56px;"] > a'

  • .sf-header__logo > .sf-image > img

  • [style="--max-width:31px;"] > a

  • [style="--max-width:32px;"] > a

  • .nuxt-link-exact-active

  • .sf-search-bar__input

  • :nth-child(4) > .sf-header__icon > .sf-icon-path

  • :nth-child(5) > .sf-header__icon > .sf-icon-path

  • :nth-child(6) > .sf-header__icon > .sf-icon-path

  • Sidebar - cart

  • 'a[href*="personal-details"]'

  • '.sf-sidebar__circle-icon'

  • '.heading__close-button'

  • '.sf-collected-product__title'

  • '.sf-collected-product__quantity-wrapper > .sf-quantity-selector > :nth-child(3)'

  • '.sf-collected-product__quantity-wrapper > .sf-quantity-selector > :nth-child(1)'

  • '.sf-collected-product__details > .sf-price > .sf-price__value--special')

  • '.sf-property > .sf-price > .sf-price__value'

  • '.sf-collected-product__actions > .sf-button'

  • '.sf-collected-product__quantity-wrapper > .sf-quantity-selector > .sf-input > .sf-input__wrapper > input'

  • '.empty-cart__label'

  • '.empty-cart > .sf-button'

  • Product Page:

  • '[data-test=sf-add-to-card] > .sf-b'

  • '.sf-sticky > .sf-heading > .sf-heading__title'

  • '.product-details__sub'

  • '.product__gallery > .sf-image > img'

  • '.sf-color'

  • '.sf-select__selected'

  • '.sf-select__options'

  • .sf-carousel

  • sf-arrow--right'

  • ':nth-child(6) > :nth-child(2) > .sf-button'

  • ':nth-child(6) > :nth-child(3) > .sf-button'

  • Category Page:

  • .main > .sidebar

  • .navbar__sort > .sf-select > [style="position: relative;"] > .sf-select__selected

  • .navbar__sort > .sf-select > [style="position: relative;"] > .sf-select__dropdown

  • .navbar__main > :nth-child(1)

  • strong.desktop-only

  • [aria-label="Change to grid view"] > .sf-icon-path

  • [aria-label="Change to list view"] > .sf-icon-path

  • .sf-breadcrumbs

  • .sf-accordion-item__content

  • '#category > div.main.section > div.sidebar.desktop-only > div > div'

  • .sf-accordion-item__content > .sf-list

  • Checkout:

(Personal details)

  • '#firstName'
  • '#lastName'
  • '#email'
  • '.form__action > :nth-child(1)')

(Shipping step)

  • '#firstName
  • '#lastName'
  • '#streetName'
  • '#apartment'
  • '#city'
  • [x ] '#zipCode
  • '#state'
  • '#phone'
  • '.sf-select__label'
  • [] '[style="position: relative;"] > .sf-select__dropdown > .sf-select__options > :nth-child(1)'
  • '.form__radio-group [type="radio"]'
  • '.form__action > :nth-child(1)'

(Payment step)

  • '.sf-checkbox__checkmark'
  • '#debit'
  • '.form__action > :nth-child(1)'

(Order review)

  • '.sf-checkbox__checkmark'
  • '.summary > :nth-child(2) > :nth-child(1)'

(Thank you page)

  • '.checkout__main'