
`link` does not support having no root mutation type

kzlsakal opened this issue · 4 comments

Root Cause

The link macro adds the directive with root query and mutation types specified.

schema @link(url: "https:\/\/specs.apollo.dev\/federation\/v2.0", import: ["@key"]) {
  query: RootQueryType
  mutation: RootMutationType

If the schema does not define one of these types, the subgraph SDL becomes invalid. There is no validation to detect this compile-time.

Steps to reproduce

  • Have a schema that does not have a root mutation field, such as:
defmodule InventoryWeb.Schema do
  use Absinthe.Schema
  use Absinthe.Federation.Schema

  link(url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/federation/v2.0", import: ["@key", "@extends", "@external"])

  query do

  object :product do

    field :upc, non_null(:string) do

    field(:in_stock, :boolean) do

  defp resolve_in_stock_for_product(%{upc: _upc} = _product, _args, _ctx), do: {:ok, true}

Expected result

The gateway starts successfully

Actual result

The gateway returns the following error:

Loading gateway...
Error: A valid schema couldn't be composed. The following composition errors were found:
        [inventory] Cannot set schema mutation root to unknown type RootMutationType

Note that extend schema introduced by absinthe 1.7.1 which was released a couple of days ago eliminates this issue.

extend schema do
  directive :link,
    url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/federation/v2.0",
    import: ["@key", "@extends", "@external"]

However, because it's macro-based, it won't support renaming individual directives like this:

extend schema do
  directive :link,
    url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/federation/v2.0",
    import: ["@key", %{name: "@override", as: "@replace"}]

That is because the map is converted to AST and not parsed in that macro.

Related: absinthe-graphql/absinthe#1225

@kzlsakal I'm trying to get this working, and I get Unknown directive link'.when I add the directive call to myextend schema` block. I'm using absinthe 1.7.6 and absinthe_federation 0.3.2. Any idea why that might be?

@cschiewek can you double-check to ensure you have use Absinthe.Federation.Schema? If it's there, would you be able to post your schema file?

This is now obsolete since extend schema method handles it by default. The test schemas and README were updated with examples in #87.