
Search Message

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Case: Search Message

Feedback from my friends is definitely:
we want to make things as simple as possible for users

!This message is good for diagnostics,

𪛖: Found 0 etymologies and 0 characters in 0.298 seconds. Unicode standard: U+2A6D6 .

Not necessary if we find the character and show its information elsewhere.

Case 1: If the Character is found show no message, do not be redundant

Case 2: If Character is not found,
show Unicode information and a message that says
“Rare character not yet analyzed” or something like that.
Show this information in the same place you would show the other information. Not as a special message.

Also, there may be some cases where you find and display oracle, bronze, seal, showen information for which I have not analyzed information in my database table.

In other words, It is possible I may have some rare character in my seal, oracle, bronze, lst tables that I have not explained yet in my etymology table