Stories in Ready django-selective-inline

This is a small app for creating nice inlines in django admin:

Alt text


You may install it via pip or clone all repository:

pip install git+

Also you need to add selinline to your INSTALLED_APPS list


The app provides one more inline class which supports all admin inline options and more.

So example file:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.admin.options import InlineModelAdmin
from selinline.admin import SelectiveInlineMixin
from .models import Author, Book

class BookAdminInline(SelectiveInlineMixin, InlineModelAdmin):
    orderable_field = 'order_num'  # this option is required only for "ordering" feature
    model = Book
    extra = 1

class AuthorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = (BookAdminInline, ), AuthorAdmin)

You may check out complete test project in the "example" project folder

Ordering records

django-selective-inlines supports ordering inline records via drag-n-drop. For that you need to have some integer field in your model for storing order number value. So just set orderable_field property equals to that field name inside your inline class like in example above and that's it.