
Snazzy theme for st terminal.

MIT LicenseMIT


Elegant st theme with bright colors. Based on alacritty-snazzy.

screenshot of terminal


  1. Clone st from suckless.
$ git clone git://git.suckless.org/st
  1. Apply patch.
    Copy st-snazzy.patch into st source folder, and run the following command.
$ cp st-snazzy.patch /where/you/have/st/source
$ cd /where/you/have/st/source
$ git apply st-snazzy.patch
  1. Compile and/or install.
    Here is how to then compile and install st from source, just remember to have all the dependencies.
$ make
$ make install clean
  1. Done!
    You are now done!



MIT © Daniel Florescu