
ES6 Application starter for bootstrapping any browser, server library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ES6 Application Starter project

My version of starter project for JS applications. Includes gulp for workflow automation, babel for ES6 syntax transpilation, eslint for linter according to Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide.


To setting up starter project run following command:

npm init

It should install all node modules, required for application.

Project structure

The project includes following directories:

/app - public directory for internal webserver
/app/dist - compiled version of all .js files
/src - source files of project
.babelrc, .eslintignore, .editorconfig, .eslintrc, .gitignore - project configuration files
gulpfile.babel.js - gulp tasks description
package.json - required modules description

Gulp Tasks

Gulpfile includes following tasks:

  • lint
  • lint:fix
  • clean
  • compile
  • webserver
  • watch
  • build
  • default


gulp lint

Output result will show how many SLOC had unmatched rules according to linter config


gulp lint:fix

Same as previous, but also trying to fix errors if it's possible


gulp clean

Cleanup /app/dist path


gulp compile

Put compiled (transpiled) version of js to /app/dist path


gulp webserver

Starting webserver. Be care webserver includes live reloading rule


gulp watch

Starting watcher for tracking file changes in /src directory


gulp build

Build task, depends on additional parameters called browser/cli building strategy


gulp default

Starting webserver after linter, compile jobs and keeping watcher for source files. If any changes occured inside /src directory than all process will start again

Additional parameters


gulp command [--build]

Additional parameter to show in which case build strategy executes. Supports browser/cli values.


gulp command [--production]

Parameter to execute, when lib is preparing for production mode. Includes uglify functionality


Fill free to use any part of code for yor own project and good luck