Process Monitor API

  • Monitors currently running processes
  • Provides Server-Sent Events endpoing for automatic updates
  • Cross platform solution


.NET Core 3.1


  • GET /api/processes



Provided processes info:

Id (type: int) - process id

ProcessName (type: string)  - process name.

TotalProcessorTime (type: double) - total processor time for this process in milliseconds.

ThreadsCount (type: int) - number of threads that are running in the associated process.

PhysicalMemoryUsage (type: int) - amount of physical memory, in bytes, allocated for the associated process.

UserProcessorTime (type: double) - user processor time for this process in milliseconds.

PrivilegedProcessorTime (type: double) - privileged processor time for this process in milliseconds.

State (type: string) - process state "running” or "sleeping".

Server-sent events

A server-sent events approach is used to get automatic updates from the server every 3 second.

To open a connection to the server from a web client you have to use EventSource interface (please install npm package)

How to use EventSource:

let eventSource = new EventSource('https://yourHost/api/processes');

eventSource.addEventListener("open", function (e) {
  // connection is open

eventSource.addEventListener("message", function (e) {

  // got an update from the server
  // parse json to show updated info

eventSource.addEventListener("error", function (e) {

  // server error

You can find a web client example here

Known issues and roadblocks

We don't show all system processes because of the following .NET Core issue: Process Property TotalProcessorTime throws InvalidOperationException exception on macOS

Currently we can't show CPU load because there is no way to calculate it using .NET Core on all platforms:

  • Performance counters are not cross platform;
  • we can't calculate sum of all processes CPU usage because we can't get TotalProcessorTime of all processes (as described in the issue above)