
Repository general update suggestion

konhi opened this issue ยท 10 comments

konhi commented

This repository is popular among Obsidian users. Currently, it has +250 stars and it's often mentioned both in Forum and Discord server.
I think it may be worth to add few things to make it more useful for users and contributors.


Currently, there's no license, which may lead to several problems. I suggest adding a license, e.g. MIT.

File structure

  • /styles
    • name.css
  • /media
    • name-1.gif
    • name-2.jpg



How do snippets works and how to use them.


  • snippet name with link to name.css
  • description with an example (e.g. name-1.gif)
  • download


image-cards by author

Makes image smooth.







How to contribute to this repository.

Let me know what do you think about these changes. I'm happy to help working on it!

I would also be happy to give you guys (@Dmitriy-Shulha and @konhi) push access to awesome-obsidian if you would like to maintain a list of CSS snippets there. I by no means want to take the credit away from you or anything, but it would be nice for the Obsidian community to have a central place were stuff like this can be found - which is what awesome-lists are generally made for.

As @konhi rightfully mentioned here, the CSS section of awesome-obsidian is quite outdated, and I've been meaning to revamp it. I would love to have your help in doing so ๐Ÿ˜„

If you prefer, I could also just link from awesome-obsidian to here, that's no issue. However, I do think these snippets would reach a wider audience if they are contained within awesome-obsidian and not behind a bunch of links. Excited to hear what you think!

konhi commented

@kmaasrud thanks for reaching out there! I believe that it is indeed a good idea to focus on awesome-obsidian repo, it has crazy amount of stars and references on internet (well done with achieving that!). And I personally love awesome-lists! ๐Ÿ’•
Push access is too much for an unacknowledged person like me! ๐Ÿ˜…But I would love to work on snippets at awesome-obsidian!

But I would love to work on snippets at awesome-obsidian!

That's awesome, thanks! I love the example you provided here, so I feel that is the way to go ๐Ÿ‘ I'll make a new issue on awesome-obsidian with you tagged in it with more details

@konhi, @kmaasrud: 2 days ago I saw a brief discussion between Chetachi and SlRvb about possibly setting up a central snippet collection. Might be useful to coordinate with them.

konhi commented

@DutchPete thanks for this useful information! Could you please provide some link to this discussion?

@konhi I cannot find it - Discord search is awful.
Best to contact either one of those ladies directly.