
Unsupported Fragment Kind "attribute"

Closed this issue · 4 comments

3Qax commented

I absolutely love your project and I think it should be default for DocC to generate static pages.

Here is one out of 3 errors I encountered while using this tool:

ERROR: unsupportedFragmentKind("attribute")
2021-08-11T11:52:44+0200 error docc2html : Could not process document at: /Users/jakubtowarek/Projects/[reducted]/docc/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/[reducted].doccarchive/data/documentation/[reducted]/dscounter/count.json unsupportedFragmentKind("attribute")

in the following JSON file attribute is only in one place (at the very beginning) :

  "primaryContentSections": [
      "kind": "declarations",
      "declarations": [
          "tokens": [
              "kind": "attribute",
              "text": "@IBInspectable"

so I suppose there's an issue with parsing @IBInspecatble and @IBDesignable attributes. I am happy to provide any additional information that might be helpful to fix this :)

3Qax commented

Wow, that was fast! Thank you :)

3Qax commented

Unfortunately I think the fix broke something as now I am getting the follwoing output in shell:

➜  docc2html git:(main) swift run docc2html ../docc/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/[reducted].doccarchive ../docs/ 
[0/0] Build complete!
2021-08-11T13:25:36+0200 notice docc2html : Copy static resources of: TalabatiOSDesignSystem.doccarchive
2021-08-11T13:25:36+0200 notice docc2html : Generate archive: TalabatiOSDesignSystem.doccarchive
[1]    1902 segmentation fault  swift run docc2html  ../docs/

You might need to clean your build. rm -r .build

3Qax commented

Yup, that was the issue