
itemsToReceive can't get market name

alekseibahmatov opened this issue · 1 comments

I have little issue with using itemsToReceive and same think with itemsToGive, i can't market_name or market_hash_name i don't know why. I'm using it to get prices of trade items. Do you have any ideas to solve that?

[ EconItem {
    appid: 433850,
    contextid: '1',
    assetid: '169267112016833914',
    classid: '1544192743',
    instanceid: '0',
    amount: 1,
    missing: false,
    id: '169267112016833914',
    fraudwarnings: [],
    descriptions: [],
    owner_descriptions: [],
    actions: [],
    owner_actions: [],
    market_actions: [],
    tags: [],
    tradable: false,
    marketable: false,
    commodity: false,
    market_tradable_restriction: 0,
    market_marketable_restriction: 0 } ]

Try setting language property in constructor.