
Manager events are not emmited

tomikjetu opened this issue · 9 comments

Hello, manager does not run any of events i've created.
manager.on("sentOfferChanged", function (offer, oldState) { //Code })
does nothing.
Sending offers and loading inventory works okay. But this or any other events are not emmited. What can i do? I haven't changed polling Interval (kept default),

This is how my manager object looks. And in _events is my event sentOfferChanged.
I can also see my apiKey is null here.

The "sentOfferChanged" event was emmited after i sent from my main account offer to bot and bot accepted / declined it. In documentation is written it has to be emmited when bot's offer has been changed.
"receivedOfferChanged" does nothing
I am so confused

Show your full code.

My full code is 500 lines or more... What exaclty do you need to see?

My code:

const community = new SteamCommunity()
const manager = new TradeOfferManager({
  steam: client,
  community: community,
  language: 'en'
  //also tried   pollInterval: 1000
client.on("webSession", (sessionid, cookies) => {
  //manager.apiKey = process.env.apiKey
  community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, process.env.identitySecret)

some code with to create an offer and send it
Offer is sent and then i want to emmit this event when offer bot sent was accepted

manager.on("sentOfferChanged", function (offer, oldState) { //TODO test this
  console.log("id:" +

I accept offer bot sent but the event isnt emmited.

Add a callback to manager.setCookies. There might be an error in there. If I had to guess, I'd say your account is limited.

Oh yes... My bot's account is limited... Whole the time could be the error 🤦 Ill put some money to the steam and see what happens. Thank you for your help

Error i got was Access Denied

Well, that's your problem.