
Error: Logged in elsewhere

farmer1234 opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm using my bot account to play games. Am i allowed to use the bot and play game simultaneously? If so, how can i do it?

Yes you can use the bot and play games at the same time. Just run your bot and use steam normally like you would.

Yes you can use the bot and play games at the same time. Just run your bot and use steam normally like you would.

But my code is designed a bit different. For example, my bot won't run continuously, instead it will be invoked upon meeting certain conditions. For this reason it will make login requests accordingly. I have noticed that when I'm in game certain functions of the bot are not working. Like accepting trade.

You shouldn't get logged out from steam app even if you make login request through your bot. And I'm not sure why accepting trades isn't working for you. Are you using newOffer event to accept incoming trades? Atleast that's how I do it and it works just fine.
I have played CS2 while running the bot and received multiple trade offers and all of them were being accepted without any issue.

... I have played CS2 while running the bot and received multiple trade offers and all of them were being accepted without any issue.

Does your bot fresh login every time you receive a trade offer? Mine does. I have removed 'client.setpersona' property, will have to see if it works now.