Installing Zabbix 6.x and partitioning PostgreSQL 14.x
elekgeek opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi @Doctorbal,
I read that Zabbix has changed few things concerning database:
So, when following your instructions for partitioning PostgreSQL 14.x, I think "Create Empty history* and trends* Tables" has to be modified, unfortunately I am not even good with DB stuff.
Thank you for your time.
I have not had the time to do this and will most likely not get to it for a while.
I still have an outstanding issue that addresses upgrading Zabbix to 5.x and using PostgreSQL v12 that I haven't got to!
I would warmly get some feedback and see others commit changes to this repository though! So if you are going down this route right now I would be very grateful for your insight and feedback on how what needs changing in PostgreSQL v14 with Zabbix 6.x. This would save myself a lot of time in the future!
Thanks & Best Regards,
I will try to install it myself and see how it goes :- )
This worked for me. zabbix 6.2 and PostgreSQL 14
-- history
CREATE TABLE public.history
itemid bigint NOT NULL,
clock integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
value double precision DEFAULT '0'::double precision NOT NULL,
ns integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT history_pkey PRIMARY KEY (itemid, clock, ns)
-- history_log
CREATE TABLE public.history_log
itemid bigint NOT NULL,
clock integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
"timestamp" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
source character varying(64) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
severity integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
value text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
logeventid integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
ns integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT history_log_pkey PRIMARY KEY (itemid, clock, ns)
-- history_str
CREATE TABLE public.history_str
itemid bigint NOT NULL,
clock integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
value character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
ns integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT history_str_pkey PRIMARY KEY (itemid, clock, ns)
-- history_text
CREATE TABLE public.history_text
itemid bigint NOT NULL,
clock integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
value text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
ns integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT history_text_pkey PRIMARY KEY (itemid, clock, ns)
-- history_uint
CREATE TABLE public.history_uint
itemid bigint NOT NULL,
clock integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
value numeric(20,0) DEFAULT '0'::numeric NOT NULL,
ns integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT history_uint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (itemid, clock, ns)
-- trends
CREATE TABLE public.trends
itemid bigint NOT NULL,
clock integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
num integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
value_min double precision DEFAULT '0'::double precision NOT NULL,
value_avg double precision DEFAULT '0'::double precision NOT NULL,
value_max double precision DEFAULT '0'::double precision NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT trends_pkey PRIMARY KEY (itemid, clock)
-- trends_uint
CREATE TABLE public.trends_uint
itemid bigint NOT NULL,
clock integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
num integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
value_min numeric(20,0) DEFAULT (0)::numeric NOT NULL,
value_avg numeric(20,0) DEFAULT (0)::numeric NOT NULL,
value_max numeric(20,0) DEFAULT (0)::numeric NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT trends_uint_pkey PRIMARY KEY (itemid, clock)