
Storybook should consume bundles being created by tsdx/rollup

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๐Ÿš€ Feature request

Currently, storybook uses webpack to bundle both our components and stories together, while our dist build artifacts are being built with tsdx/rollup. This will be prone to error and may not surface issues quick enough during development. Instead, we should be relying on tsdx to build our source files (through npm start during dev), and storybook to import and consume the files built by tsdx.

In TSDX's "Quick start" section in its documentation they mention that one of the templates to create a new tsdx repo is react-with-storybook. I wonder if creating a new lib with that template will do what you seek here. And if so, I wonder if maybe we did not use that when we re-created Reactist using tsdx. Maybe we can now update out similar to the resulting config of a tsdx repo created that way.

Related issue: jaredpalmer/tsdx#702