
Chat Type Sender not registered

edelsora opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, Maintaner.

I was countering a bug from InlineQuery that stated:

ApiResponseException: Internal error: Cannot match type "Funogram.Telegram.Types+ChatType" by fields. Please create issue on in {"ok":true,"result":[{"update_id":870864685,
"inline_query":{"id":"5817640097083325067","from":{"id":<redacted>,"is_bot":false,"first_name":"<redacted>","last_name":"<redacted>","username":"<redacted>","language_code":"en"},"chat_type":"sender","query":"","offset":""}}]}. Code: -1

To reproduce this, Just use InlineQuery inside the private chat with your bot.

I assume the culprit is this:


Sender is not exist in ChatType enum.

I want to fix this issue, the PR is comming soon.

Resolved in #53 (Funogram.Telegram