
Question mark (?) automatically added to end of all redirected urls

satcreative opened this issue · 10 comments

I'm currently experiencing an issue where a question mark is being appending to the end of all destination urls once the redirect has happened. Is anyone experiencing the same or have a solution?

PHP version | 8.0.5
MySQL 8.0.21
Craft Pro
Redirect Manager | 2.0.1

Looks like someone is already trying to address this in PR #137

Fix in there if anyone needs it.

How can I get this fix installed? Is there a new update out which no longer adds a question mark to end of redirect URLs?

I've just updated to v2.0.1 but the issue still persists.

I got v2.0.1 and issue persist


Added if statement on line 90:

$destinationUrl .= "?" . $this->request->getQueryStringWithoutPath();

@alvinbutterhk Oh, replace line 89: $destinationUrl .= "?" . $this->request->getQueryStringWithoutPath();


$destinationUrl .= "?" . $this->request->getQueryStringWithoutPath();

if this would be merged...:
pull request #137


Would indeed be nice if the PR get's merged.

Thank you

Any feedback on this?


Would be helpful if #137 gets merged, all redirects have ? added to the end of the destination URL.

Hi, please merge this :)

please merge the fix