
Broken redirects. Possibly Craft Update Related?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

My redirects stopped working out of nowhere. I suspect that something changed in the last Craft update and that's the reason.

If I hit the routes that I have set for redirection nothings happens. No redirect happens.


After updating a site I got a 500 error

2019-04-29 10:02:01 [-][1][60ndvhf59c9ajn3kaar7hkvbu7][error][TypeError] TypeError: Return value of dolphiq\redirect\RedirectPlugin::registerFeedMeElement() must be an instance of dolphiq\redirect\void, none returned in /home/bistrophilippe/craft/vendor/dolphiq/redirect/src/RedirectPlugin.php:145

Can't use the plugin anymore - had to remove it to get the site working again.

Just fixed this issue in release v1.0.23