
bug with three.js r150 ?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

x1911 commented

the online version with r115 is running smoothly.
but with r150 shows :


and one warning shows in console


mac book pro m2. Ventura 13

x1911 commented


I may have found a temporary solution.

in fs
` // getRefractedColor functions start
vec3 getRefractedColor(vec3 refractionDir, vec3 hitPoint, float refractionIndex) {
// move the hitpoint inside the mesh with epsilon
hitPoint += refractionDir * 0.0001;

                // raymarch!
                float stepSize = 0.02;  
                float stepMult = 1.5;

                vec3  lastP = hitPoint;
                vec3  p = hitPoint;
                vec3  hitPNormal;
                float currStepSize = stepSize;
                float transmissionDistance = 0.0;
                for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                    p += currStepSize * refractionDir;

                    // project p in uv space
                    vec4 projCoord = vProjViewMatrix * vec4(p, 1.0);
           /= projCoord.w;

                    vec2 pNDC = projCoord.xy;
                    vec2 pUV  = pNDC * 0.5 + 0.5;

                    // get depth at point
                    vec4 backBuffer = texture2D(uBackFaceBuffer, pUV);
                    float depth = backBuffer.w;
                    vec3 norm   =;

                    // get p depth
                    float pDepth = abs((vViewMatrix * vec4(p,1.0)).z) * uCameraFarInverse;

                    if(pDepth > depth) {

                        vec3 hitp = binarySearchHitPoint(lastP, p, refractionDir);
                        p = hitp;

                        // ************ get the hitpoint normal
                        vec4 projCoord = vProjViewMatrix * vec4(p, 1.0);
               /= projCoord.w;

                        vec2 pNDC = projCoord.xy;
                        vec2 pUV  = pNDC * 0.5 + 0.5;

                        // get depth at point
                        hitPNormal  = texture2D(uBackFaceBuffer, pUV).xyz;
                        // ************ get the hitpoint normal - END


                    lastP = p;
                    currStepSize *= stepMult;

                transmissionDistance = length(hitPoint - p);

                // ******************** recalc directions 
                vec3 outward_normal;
                vec3 reflected = reflect(refractionDir, hitPNormal);
                float ni_over_nt;
                vec3 refr;
                // vec3 refracted;
                float reflect_prob;
                float cosine;
                if (dot(refractionDir, hitPNormal) > 0.0) {
                    outward_normal = -hitPNormal;
                    ni_over_nt = refractionIndex;
                    cosine = refractionIndex * dot(refractionDir, hitPNormal);
                } else {
                    outward_normal = hitPNormal;
                    ni_over_nt = 1.0 / refractionIndex;
                    cosine = -dot(refractionDir, hitPNormal);

                // if (refract2(refractionDir, outward_normal, ni_over_nt, refracted)) {
                if (refract2(refractionDir, outward_normal, ni_over_nt, refr)) {
                    float r0 = (1.0 - refractionIndex) / (1.0 + refractionIndex);
                    r0 *= r0;
                    reflect_prob = r0 + (1.0 - r0) * pow((1.0 - cosine), 5.0);
                } else {
                    reflect_prob = 1.0;
                // ******************** recalc directions - END

                // ******************** get colors 
                vec3 col;
                vec3 colrefl;
                vec3 colrefr;
                // if(refracted.y < 0.0) {
                if(refr.y < 0.0) {
                    // float t = p.y / abs(refracted.y);
                    // vec3 planeHitP = p + refracted * t;
                    float t = p.y / abs(refr.y);
                    vec3 planeHitP = p + refr * t;
                    if(abs(planeHitP.x) < planeSize && abs(planeHitP.z) < planeSize) {
                        colrefr = planeColor;
                    } else {
                        // colrefr = getSkyboxColor(refracted);
                        colrefr = getSkyboxColor(refr);
                } else {
                    // colrefr = getSkyboxColor(refracted);
                    colrefr = getSkyboxColor(refr);

                if(reflected.y < 0.0) {
                    float t = p.y / abs(reflected.y);
                    vec3 planeHitP = p + reflected * t;
                    if(abs(planeHitP.x) < planeSize && abs(planeHitP.z) < planeSize) {
                        colrefl = planeColor;
                    } else {
                        colrefl = getSkyboxColor(reflected);
                } else {
                    colrefl = getSkyboxColor(reflected);

                col = colrefl * (reflect_prob * uReflectionFactor) + colrefr * (1.0 - reflect_prob);
                // ******************** get colors 

                vec3 transm = vec3(1.0);
                // const int steps = 8;
                const int steps = 15;
                float step = transmissionDistance / float(steps);
                float fc = uExtintionFactor * 0.07;

                // raymarching transmission color

                // float noiseStrength = 0.8;
                float noiseSpeed = 0.5;
                float noiseTimeSpeed = 0.5;

                for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
                    vec3 np = hitPoint + refractionDir * float(i) * step;
                    vec3 nnp = np;
                    vec3 w = normalize(np - vec3(0.75, 1.5, 0.0));
                    vec3 u = vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
                    // vec3 timeOffset = uTime * normalize(np - vec3(0.75, 1.5, 0.0));
                    vec3 timeOffset = cos(uTime) * w + sin(uTime) * u;
                    float colorNoiseX = noise(np * noiseSpeed + timeOffset * noiseTimeSpeed);
                    float colorNoiseY = noise(np * noiseSpeed + timeOffset * noiseTimeSpeed + vec3(15.3278, 125.19879, 0.0));
                    float colorNoiseZ = noise(np * noiseSpeed + timeOffset * noiseTimeSpeed + vec3(2.6008, 78.19879, 543.12993));
                    float targ = length(nnp * 0.8 * uExtinctionFX1.w - vec3(0.75, 1.5, 0.0));
                    float targAperture = 0.25;

                    // wave raymarch
                    if(uExtinctionFX1.z > 0.5) {
                        nnp = np + sin(np.x * 2.5 + uTime * 1.5) * 0.3;
                        targ = nnp.y - 0.85 * uExtinctionFX1.w;    
                    } else {
                        nnp = np + vec3(colorNoiseX, colorNoiseY, colorNoiseZ) * 1.05;
                        vec3 diff = nnp - vec3(3.3, 4.5, 0.0);
                        float angle = (atan(diff.x, diff.y) + PI) / (PI * 2.0);
                        targ = length(diff) + sin(angle * 32.0 * PI + uTime * 1.5) * 0.4;
                        targ *= 0.475;
                        targAperture = 0.5 + colorNoiseX * 0.75;
                    // what's the color at np?
                    vec3 col1 = uExtintionColor1;
                    vec3 col2 = uExtintionColor2;
                    if(uExtinctionFX1.x > 0.5) {
                        col1 = vec3(colorNoiseX, colorNoiseY, colorNoiseZ) * 0.85;
                    if(uExtinctionFX1.y > 0.5) {
                        col2 = vec3(colorNoiseX, colorNoiseY, colorNoiseZ) * 0.85;

                    if(targ < 1.0) {

                        transm *= exp(-step * col2 * fc);

                    } else if (targ > 1.0 && targ < 1.0 + targAperture ) {
                        float t = (targ - 1.0) / targAperture;

                        transm *= exp(-step * (col1 * t + col2 * (1.0 - t)) * fc );

                    } else if ( targ < (1.0 + targAperture) * 1.85 ) {
                        transm *= exp( -step * col1 * fc );

                    } else {
                        // transm = (col1) * targAperture;
                        // transm *= exp(-step * col1 * uExtintionFactor);

                // return col * uExtintionColor2 * transm;
                col *= transm;

                return col;