
Nullable (`None`) flag value cannot be easily `or`ed with other values

nlbuescher opened this issue · 6 comments

None is a perfectly valid option to pass as a flag for ImGui, but the code generator doesn't translate it into an enum value

cf ImGuiDockNodeFlags_None vs no equivalent in enum class ImGuiDockNodeFlags

I'm realizing now that a nullable is likely intended to replace the None value. Then I noticed that oring a Nullable with any other value isn't possible.

None is indeed supposed to be null in Kotlin. Is there a use case for oring with None? It's a no-op anyway.

oring with None is how you add new flags to a variable that was declared as empty. anding with None is a no-op


var windowFlags: ImGuiWindowFlags? = null

// possibly add other conditional flags

if (isFullScreen) {
    windowFlags = windowFlags or ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar or ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse or
        ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize or ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove or
        ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus or ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNavFocus

val value: Flag<ImGuiWindowFlags>? = null or ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar is possible.

Your example is already possible, with the wrapper class.


Like so

var windowFlags: Flag<ImGuiWindowFlags>? = null

// possibly add other conditional flags

if (isFullScreen) {
    windowFlags = windowFlags or ImGuiWindowFlags.NoTitleBar or ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse or
        ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize or ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove or
        ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBringToFrontOnFocus or ImGuiWindowFlags.NoNavFocus

I see. Thanks for that. Closing cause derp.