
Article Title should not exceed windows maximum file name

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  • I searched previous Bug Reports didn't find any similar reports.

Expected Behavior

I just tried to make a backup of my vault but got the following git error: fatal: Unable to process path
Looks like the issue is that using the %title% variable for a will save even if the path exceeds what windows will allow?

Current behaviour

Notes with a title that exceed the windows character limit save but pose issues for git and potentially other things, for example when I tried renaming the file I suddenly had two versions in my vault

Steps to reproduce

  1. Make your readable article note template title this: %title% (Readable Article)
  2. Try to save this article
  3. Go to the created file in the windows explorer and try renaming it, which will be difficulty without first trimming it

Which Operating Systems are you using?

  • Android
  • iPhone/iPad
  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows

Obsidian Version


Plugin Version



  • I have tried it with all other plugins disabled and the error still occurs

Possible solution

I'd be fine if the title was just cut off to always fit the limit