
Export to PDF

Opened this issue ยท 1 comments

Great extension! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I was hoping for a way to export a notebook to PDF similar to Jupyter: Export to PDF.

Even after installing the Jupyter-Extension there is no command for exporting PDFs for nnb-Files.

Could you add this functionality?

All the best.

I have written a command line tool in typescript/deno which converts the output parts of a notebook to markdown:

I think this is much better as it allows to use existing tools in the vscode ecosystem to create PDFs, HTML,...

I tried to create a more integrated solution with typescript-notebook, but failed to get the required packages installed on my M1 based MacOS - I fail with tensor flow package and after deleting the lock file with many more dependency problems :-(

Maybe someone with a "normal" system can copy my code as it is only a couple of lines.