
DAOstack JavaScript Client

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PACKAGE HAS MOVED TO: https://github.com/daostack/alchemy-monorepo/tree/dev/packages/arc.js

Build Status

DAOstack Client

The DAOStack Client is a nodejs library to work with the DAOstack ecosystem

  • Convenience functions to interact with the DAOstack contracts: create proposals, and vote and stake on them
  • A client library for the DAOstack subgraph - search for daos, proposals


In your nodejs project run

npm install --save @daostack/client

now you can do:

import { Arc } from '@daostack/client'

// create an Arc instance
const arc = new Arc({
  graphqlHttpProvider: "https://subgraph.daostack.io/subgraphs/name/v23",
  graphqlWsProvider: "wss://ws.subgraph.daostack.io/subgraphs/name/v23",
  web3Provider: `wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/${YOUR_TOKEN_HERE}`,
  ipfsProvider: {
    "host": "subgraph.daostack.io",
    "port": "443",
    "protocol": "https",
    "api-path": "/ipfs/api/v0/"

// get a list of DAOs
  (daos) => console.log(`Here are your DAOS: ${daos}`)

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