should open accesspoint when fails connecting to network ssid
arneboon opened this issue · 9 comments
see this line here:
if connectWith then
local rv,msg = netconf.associateSsid(connectWith,nil,nil)
if rv then
return true, "autowifi: associated -- client mode with ssid '" .. connectWith .. "'"
return nil, "autowifi: could not associate with ssid '" .. connectWith .. "' (" .. msg .. ")"
in the else it should open up the accesspoint again
tested the scenario of changing to wifi network with incorrect password. cannot connect (obviously) and then it doesn't create an accesspoint either.
data: {
bssid: "",
channel: "",
mode: "sta",
noise: -86,
quality_max: 70,
ssid: "",
status: "-1",
statusMessage: "Could not associate with network (incorrect password?)",
txpower: 18
msg: "Could not associate with network (incorrect password?)",
status: "success"
wifibox log
07-01 14:30:31 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:30:31 (info) received request of type POST for network/associate
07-01 14:30:31 (info) remote IP/port:
01-07 14:30:31 [IPC] command: [>>getState]
01-07 14:30:31 [IPC] command: [<<ok]
07-01 14:30:31 (info) netconfig:associateSsid: werkplaats, true
07-01 14:30:31 (info) network:setStatus: 1 | Connecting...
07-01 14:30:31 (info) start wifi scan
07-01 14:30:31 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:30:31 (info) received request of type GET for info/status
07-01 14:30:31 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:30:32 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:30:32 (info) received request of type GET for network/status
07-01 14:30:32 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:30:32 (info) network:getStatus
07-01 14:30:32 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:30:32 (info) received request of type GET for info/status
07-01 14:30:32 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:30:32 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:30:32 (info) received request of type GET for info/status
07-01 14:30:32 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:30:32 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:30:32 (info) received request of type GET for info/status
07-01 14:30:32 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:30:33 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:30:33 (info) wifi scan done
07-01 14:30:33 (info) received request of type GET for network/status
07-01 14:30:33 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:30:33 (info) network:getStatus
07-01 14:30:33 (debug) reconfiguring component 'wwwredir' (rm)
07-01 14:30:33 (debug) reconfiguring component 'dnsredir' (rm)
07-01 14:30:33 (debug) reconfiguring component 'staticaddr' (rm)
07-01 14:30:33 (debug) reconfiguring component 'wifiiface' (add)
07-01 14:30:33 (debug) reconfiguring component 'dhcppool' (rm)
07-01 14:30:33 (info) committing component 'dhcp'
07-01 14:30:33 (info) committing component 'network'
07-01 14:30:33 (info) committing component 'uhttpd'
07-01 14:30:33 (info) reloading component 'dnsmasq'
07-01 14:30:34 (debug) result reloading component 'dnsmasq' (cmd: '/etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload'):
07-01 14:30:34 (info) reloading component 'network'
07-01 14:30:34 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:30:34 (info) received request of type GET for network/status
07-01 14:30:34 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:30:34 (info) network:getStatus
07-01 14:30:34 (debug) result reloading component 'network' (cmd: '/etc/init.d/network reload'):
07-01 14:30:34 (info) reloading component 'uhttpd'
07-01 14:30:35 (debug) result reloading component 'uhttpd' (cmd: '/etc/init.d/uhttpd reload'):
07-01 14:30:36 (debug) associated check 0/5
07-01 14:30:38 (debug) associated check 1/5
07-01 14:30:40 (debug) associated check 2/5
07-01 14:30:42 (debug) associated check 3/5
07-01 14:30:44 (debug) associated check 4/5
07-01 14:30:44 (info) network:setStatus: -1 | Could not associate with network (incorrect password?)
07-01 14:30:44 (info) failed to associate to wifi: werkplaats (Could not associate with network (incorrect password?))
07-01 14:31:49 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:31:49 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:31:49 (info) received request of type GET for sketch/list
07-01 14:31:49 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:31:49 (error) calling function 'list' in API module 'sketch' somehow failed ('/usr/share/lua/wifibox/rest/api/api_sketch.lua:52: cannot open /root/sketches: No such file or directory')
07-01 14:31:49 (debug) Response:error (call to function 'sketch/list' failed)
07-01 14:31:49 (info) received request of type GET for info/status
07-01 14:31:49 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:31:49 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:31:49 (info) received request of type GET for printer/listall
07-01 14:31:49 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:31:49 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:31:49 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:31:49 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:31:49 (info) received request of type GET for config/all
07-01 14:31:49 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:31:49 (info) received request of type GET for update/status
07-01 14:31:49 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:31:49 (info) received request of type GET for network/scan
07-01 14:31:49 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:31:49 (info) start wifi scan
07-01 14:31:49 (debug) Downloading file ''
07-01 14:31:49 (debug) error: could not obtain available versions (could not download image index file (1: Generic error))
07-01 14:31:49 (debug) Response:fail (could not download image index file (1: Generic error))
07-01 14:31:49 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:31:49 (info) =======rest api (api debugging)=======
07-01 14:31:49 (info) received request of type GET for network/status
07-01 14:31:49 (info) remote IP/port:
07-01 14:31:49 (info) network:getStatus
07-01 14:31:51 (info) wifi scan done
07-01 14:31:51 (debug) getSubstitutedSsid unformattedSsid:'Doodle3D-%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%' baseApSsid:'nil' cachedApSsid:'nil
07-01 14:31:51 (debug) getMacAddress
07-01 14:31:51 (debug) macText: '10:fe:ed:4c:c2:8c
07-01 14:31:51 (debug) macTail:'4CC28C
07-01 14:31:51 (debug) getSubstitutedSsid unformattedSsid:'Doodle3D-%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%' baseApSsid:'Doodle3D-%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%' cachedApSsid:'Doodle3D-4CC28C
07-01 14:31:51 (debug) getSubstitutedSsid unformattedSsid:'Doodle3D-%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%' baseApSsid:'Doodle3D-%%MAC_ADDR_TAIL%%' cachedApSsid:'Doodle3D-4CC28C
excerpt from logs:
07-01 14:30:31 (info) netconfig:associateSsid: werkplaats, true
07-01 14:30:31 (info) network:setStatus: 1 | Connecting...
07-01 14:30:31 (info) start wifi scan
07-01 14:30:33 (info) wifi scan done
07-01 14:30:44 (info) network:setStatus: -1 | Could not associate with network (incorrect password?)
07-01 14:30:44 (info) failed to associate to wifi: werkplaats (Could not associate with network (incorrect password?))
there is a constant M.CONNECTING_FAILED = -1
but this never leads to creating a hotspot again. why not?
in the earlier hostmodule project such a fallback was implement in place such as the function M.setStatus(code,msg)
if CONNECTING_FAILED then M.setupAccessPoint(ssid)
mind the timing issues... can not be or attempt to be client & accesspoint at same time
I don't think we use these constants to check if something went wrong, it's main usage is communicating the status over the REST API. I think we mostly use the return value of functions to check if something went wrong.
I can confirm this issue also happens with version 0.10.5. When entering a wrong password the only way to regain access to the wifibox is by connecting a UTP cable.
Please, please think trough how this is going to work though. There is a big change that when you use our current "start a accesspoint" logic it will never try to connect to that WiFi network again. Because from then on the accesspoint config is the preferred (top) wireless config.
Is there some way to detect that it failed to connect to a network (ie wrong password?), if so we should delete that network from /etc/config/wireless. You don't need to 'start a accesspoint' because 'it' should do it automatically if that's the next interface in the configfile.
I don't think we could, not back then anyway. I think we check if it worked by checking ip address and whether the ssid is filled in.
Also see: Doodle3D/doodle3d-client#209