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但是我看了论文和代码有一些疑惑,就是论文里的External Attention,代码里这部分也是对当前批次的特征x进行一些nn.Linear操作:

hi @stdcoutzrh thank you for your question. you can refer to the original paper of EA for detailed explanation (which is highly recommended). For short, SA mainly learns the self-affinity with the SELF-attention matrix while EA uses a CROSS SAMPLE matrix for optimization.

However it also should be noted that this is more like a fancy theoretical explanation for EA since the authors of EA admit that the implemementation is just too simple (not so different from original feed-forward layer) and the reason for EA performing so well is mainly because of the softmax norm layer. actually inter-sample learning is also introduced in the original design of transformers (kqv mapping and FFN etc) and we want to use EA to emphasis such operation.

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