
Android questions quality

Gelassen opened this issue · 0 comments


First of all - thank you for your work on aggregating all this references!

I was interested to refresh my knowledge&skills and took a look on this questions list: 50 android interview questions & answers.. I came through first 10 and at least two of them brought me concerns on this source quality.

  1. What are Intents?

The original response is formally right, but in the nutshell is misleading. The general meaning behind intent is let components of system (such as Activity, Service, Broadcast Receiver, Content Provider) communicate with each other. It is one the best practices to make architecture loose coupling, in Android main system components are designed without ability to call each other directly and intent is way to provide such functionality.

  1. What is the use of an activityCreator?

activityCreator is outdated and was replaced long time ago.

activityCreator is a batch file and shell script used to create Android projects. That has long since been replaced by the android create project.


As a last point, as an narrow specialized Android developer (2010-2016) working on world market I never received questions in interview from this top ten list.

Keeping in mind this list in some cases might be misleading, I would propose to review it by others engineers with Android hands-on experience or mark this source with 'Caution' remark,