
Uncaught Error in Radial Condition HUD

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I get an uncaught exception when adding tokens to a scene, or when refreshing a scene with tokens in it. In the former case the tokens don't load, and in the latter the entire scene won't load.

radial-condition-hud.js:93 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: appTheme.includes is not a function
    at drawBG (radial-condition-hud.js:93:16)
    at radial-condition-hud.js:153:7
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at updateEffectScales (radial-condition-hud.js:143:17)
    at Token._refreshEffects (radial-condition-hud.js:171:7)
    at TokenPF2e.drawEffects (foundry.js:55424:10)
    at async TokenPF2e.drawEffects (pf2e.mjs:1350:92211)
    at async TokenPF2e._draw (foundry.js:54993:5)
    at async foundry.js:28515:7

I can reproduce this error with all modules except Dorako UX disabled. The error goes away if I uncheck the Adjust token effects HUD? setting. I'm on v315 of Foundry and v1.2.1 of Dorako UX

Dorako commented

What version of Dorako UI, assuming you are using that as well?

Dorako UI v3.3.5, but I have that module disabled as everything I like is in the UX module

Dorako commented

Gotcha, the check is probably looking for whether UI is installed, but not for whether it is active, will check when I get home.

Dorako commented

Now that I'm home, it looks like I've already fixed this issue locally, just haven't pushed an update including it yet. Fixed for next release.