
VB Project Issue

bwood4 opened this issue · 1 comments

VB projects don't have the intermediate path prepended to the DocumentationFile property, which causes the DefaultDocumentation task to break because it can't find the file (see this issue). Altering the DefaultDocumentation target to the following would fix it:

<_DefaultDocumentationDocumentationFile Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' == '.vbproj'">$([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($(IntermediateOutputPath)$(DocumentationFile)))</_DefaultDocumentationDocumentationFile>
<_DefaultDocumentationDocumentationFile Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' != '.vbproj'">$([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($(DocumentationFile)))</_DefaultDocumentationDocumentationFile>

Sure I never intended for DefaultDocumentation to be used by vbproj or fsproj as it produces code snippet in c# only but with plugins people could change that. If all it requires to work with vbproj is this simple change I will gladly take it :) thanks for the heads-up.